Imagination, It Flows…

Imagination, it flows
Just like a country stream
It weaves and wanders all about
Always gathering steam

It seeks out stories
Thoughts and dreams
And asks you
To believe

The story that unfolds
Believe it you certainly must
And take it on board
With utmost silent trust

It glides and clears
Mental blocks along the way
Leaving a sense of peace
In no uncertain way

Imagination, it flows
Just like a country stream
It weaves and wanders all about
Always gathering steam…

Written by David Johnson
27 June 2014

Walking The Path

Walking the path of many
Involves little thought
you might say

That is until
Of course
You walk the other way

Life has many a
twist and turn
A way of living that is earnt

How easy it is
On some occasions
To forget what things we’ve learnt

Life teaches us
over and over
Until we stop to listen

When we stop, and start
To learn
Our life begins to glisten

It’s never too late
To start again
Toward that new adventure

Solve a problem
Taking charge
Saddle up for that new venture

Stay the distance
Stay the course
At your own insistence

You’ll reap the rewards
And taste the sweetness
As you dig in, this very instance!


Written by David Johnson
26 June 2014

Snow Play

I cast my eyes
Upon the gentle slope
Filled with snow so white

The skiers flow
Down the way
A trail they begin to write

The clear blue sky
The Sun so bright
Illuminates the day

So much fun
As they show their skill
Investing time they play

Gliding through
A scene so clear
Memories built to last

See them here
See them there
Watch them as they go past!


Written by David Johnson
25 June 2014

Your Creative Journey!

As an Artist, you must continue to feed your mind, ask questions of the world and ponder. Your Art is your attempt to answer those questions and in doing so you can add your flavour to society.

So how do you feed your mind?

You can do this via:

* Reading books and other literature
* Attending Exhibitions (not just the Art you like either)
* Watching movies, documentaries and other media
* Attending lectures and presentations
* Getting together with your peers or Artists outside your realm
* Attending workshops
* Spending time contemplating about your style, about your world

You should attend exhibitions, read books etc that are outside your realm of interest. This has the effect of stretching your world-view and opens your mind to other possibilities. Your feelings about this may reveal to you a new way of seeing ‘the old’ which then will translate into your Art.

Why do all this?

You are a product of your environment. You have been subjected to different influences (chosen or otherwise). You have beliefs and your own thoughts.

Like any endeavour, you will want to grow and evolve, communicate through expressions of your Art.

The world wants to see what and how you feel about things. We want to see your flavour, a flavour that can help grow the world into news ways of appreciation and seeing.

The world is waiting…

Written by David Johnson
21 June 2014


Pursuit Of Our Dream!

Light seeps through
The crack in the wall
Tentacles reach
Not one but all

The message is filtered
For each individual
Each has their own
Singular symbol

Allowing the light
To touch us within
Gives us the clarity
To just begin

Begin we must
To charter our course
And steer the journey
Using our mental force

We know what we must do
The path we must take
To pursue our dreams
And seek our fate

Light seeps through
That crack in the wall
Work hard for your dream
And give it your all!


Written by David Johnson
21 June 2014

The Journey…

Each one enters our doors anew
The goal to improve their worldly view

Listening, watching and practicing,
Mentoring, focusing and graduating

Growth in character and respect
Extolling that positive, supportive environment

Demonstrate we must
And place in others our trust

Confidence rises buoyantly
As we go along our journey

Leading and speaking
A journey never ceasing.

Written by David Johnson
15 June 2014

(I wrote the poem specifically for the Agenda for my Campbelltown Toastmasters Club
Changeover Dinner which was held on 18 June 2014. I am the Outgoing President).

Time Wisely

In searching for solitude
We sometimes find

A new way of thinking
A new use for time

We search and we search
Till the way comes clear

We thought we were so far
Yet we are so near

So use your mind wisely
Think and be sure

Spend your time well
And become a connoisseur!

Written by David Johnson
9 June 2014

Wistful Thoughts…

Wistful thoughts
Come and go
As I sit here
Mind goes to and fro

Of days that are past
And didn’t last
Of future times
Not setfast

Thoughts of things
That I do regret
Other things
I want to forget

Midway journey
I am here
Living my life
Searching far and near

Many plans afoot
Reaching high
Challenges appear
Incredible sigh

Working through
Changing tack
The road ahead
Appears off track

Dance and move
Think on the feet
Imagination helps
No time to retreat

Ideas come
Each day to me
Work them well
Become free

Written by David Johnson
9 June 2014

The Pendulum Swings…

The title sounds like a good title for a poem. Perhaps one day I will use it as that.

For today however, it refers to two interests I have, one is Photography, the other Toastmasters.

Photography started as an interest for me in the early 1980’s and the obsession continues to this day. Toastmasters, I joined in 2008 and it has given me so much (and continues to do so), including the confidence to open up my photography business, a general confidence and being able to relate to people a lot better.

For the past 6 years the pendulum has swung heavily toward Toastmasters, especially in the 4 years I was on the Executive, culminating in being President this past year. The past two years have been quite intense as the Vice-President Education role and President carry the most responsibility (i.e. the top two positions). I also did the Youth Leadership Co-ordinator role last year.

Come 1 July 2014 I will be ‘Immediate Past President’ and am not looking to take on any Committee roles in any organisation for the next few years, having been on committees for most of the past 26 years. A break is overdue…

My photography business carries on regardless of what I do, however personal photographic projects had given way to Toastmasters in the past 6 years. I will always photograph just like I always will be a Toastmaster. Toastmasters however will slide into the background a bit more and become another tool I utilise and practice at in my goal to become a better communicator and along the way I can help others too.

Over recent months I’ve been getting more and more ideas for photographic/Art projects and attending the recent Head On South Photographic Festival has spurred me on even more!

I can feel the Pendulum starting to swing back already.

Written by David Johnson
1 June 2014

A Maine Mama's Mind

A few opinions, a little research, and maybe some general chatter!

Lisa Maisonave Art

A blog made up of books, movies, shows, photography, and art.

Jane Sketching

Urban sketches, etchings, watercolours, pen and ink.

Just Sketching

A Daily Visual Journal

Bachir Bastien

Practical advice for a happier, fuller, and more meaningful life

craft journey

Furnicraft, woodwork, and art

K E Garland


Your Friendly Malaysian Writer

Malaysian author and storyteller

Lost In Amberland

Welcome to my mind. Watch the first step, it's a doozy.

Learning with Life

A learner for life….wants to live fully….destination matter so does the journey…every movement to feel alive…and die with peace in eyes…being me…

Keep it alive

A look at life, achieving good physical and mental health and happiness

Moonwashed Musings

we see the same moon; you and I

Sketch Away: Travels with my sketchbook

Just another site

Her Writing Haven

A place where words come alive