
Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that in August 2015, I created a new blog called ‘Communicating Creatively‘, which encompasses my 5 interests of Poetry, Photography, Writing, Public Speaking and Painting.

My latest blog can be found here:

I will be removing the ‘Observations & Other Writings’ blog at the end of February 2017.

To avoid missing out on my new posts please visit/follow my new blog at the link above. 🙂

Kind Regards



Deep In The Memory

Deep In The Memory-3

Put Some Colour In Your Life!

One of my favourite TV Shows is “Colour In Your Life.”

From the website:

‘Put Some Colour In Your Life’ or ‘Colour In Your Life’, is a television series created by Master Artist and CEO Graeme Stevenson. It began in the small town of Murwillumbah, just south of the NSW/QLD border in Australia, and from this incredibly artistic region has spread out to encompass the arts and artists of Australia, and the world.”

I have watched and enjoyed this show, (and its accompanying website) for a few years now.

It is such a pleasure to not only view the Art, but also see the Artist in action. You also get to hear a snapshot of the Artist’s journey and their influences.

In Australia, ‘Colour In Your Life’ can me viewed on TV4ME (Channel 74) at 7.30pm on Saturday’s or on the website

Now in its 10th series, ‘Colour In Your Life’ brings the expertise of the Artist to you, to inspire you to explore your own creativity!

I have included a link to episode from 25 April 2015 that I re-watched today. It features Artist, Jana Vodesil-Baruffi who gives a wonderful demonstration of painting with a palette knife, giving insights about influence and technique along the way. We also get to view some of Jana’s vast array of Art.

The ‘Colour In Your Life’ website is also in the process of becoming an Arts Hub for Artists all over the World. A place where you too can show and sell your Art.

I hope that you find ‘Colour In Your Life’ as enjoyable and inspirational as I do!

Written by David Johnson
13 June 2015

The Next Book…

Have you ever thought about why we choose the very next book to read?

Is it because of an interest in that subject or are we drawn to a particular book for a particular reason, or both?

Currently I am reading the following books:

  • “E-Squared” by Pamela Grout
  • “Quicker Than The Eye” – A collection of short stories by my favourite fiction author, Ray Bradbury
  • “Coaching The Artist Within” by Eric Maisel

Generally I will have at least two books ‘on the go.’ One is normally fiction and the other a self-development book of some sort.

On the weekends I often find myself up early & either before or after a walk, I grab a Tea (mostly), sometimes a Coffee and I sit out in our Sunroom and look at the bookshelves. If inclined I wander over and I scan the shelves.

Often it will be an Art or Photography book that I select. I will flip through it and then if it is ‘speaking to me’ I will sit down and allow it to ‘carry on the conversation’ with me.

Today two books caught my eye:

  • “I Dare You” by Dr Joyce Meyer. I bought this book several years ago but I have never read it.
  • “Philosophy Of The Arts: An Introduction To Aesthetics” – Gordon Graham. I purchased this second-hand a couple of months ago. Given the subject matter it is not a ‘quick-read.’

In flipping through “I Dare You” there were a couple of segments that “spoke to me” and have suggested to me that I need a change of attitude in some areas of my life.

“Philosophy Of The Arts” covers the pleasure, emotion, understanding and meaning plus covers topics such as music, painting, photography, film, poetry, writing and architecture, all of which fascinate me and I find that Art is becoming a bigger part of my life as time marches on.

I have no doubt these books will be getting my full attention quite soon!

Written by David Johnson
11 January 2015

Interests, Escapes & Loves!

From the early 1980’s, Photography was my main interest. This stayed the same for many years. I love to read and also have an interest in Cacti & Succulents and Rugby League though the latter has diminished over time…

2008, enter Toastmasters. This became a huge part of my life virtually from the word go, giving me new experiences, improving my confidence and positively affecting my life in at least a half a dozen ways. Nominating for Executive roles certainly increased the time quotient and the education. I’m not on any executive roles now but am still a member and I enjoy constructing and delivering speeches.

2010, enter Drawing and Painting. I took a basic drawing course in 2010 and have always enjoyed viewing paintings and other Art. These I was going to attempt when retired. After dabbling in a few different mediums, I have to say that the Oils, Acrylic and Inktense mediums are my favourites though there is still a lot to learn about each of them.

2012, the first murmurings of my photography business came to the fore. Photography had always been my ‘escape’ from the real world, now it is a business (even though I still have personal fun projects on the side).

2013, enter Writing. My ‘Light Inspired’ blog and the blog you are on now are my first forays into this area. I started this blog as a bit of fun to communicate my thoughts on various things. One day in August that year I started to write a poem and thought it might fun to include in the blog. Now the blog has more poems than articles!

I had always enjoyed reading Poetry though had only ever put pen to paper and scribbled a few verses whilst on holidays (and probably threw them away…).

2014 saw me come up with three plots for short stories and I realise I have more than a passing interest in Social Media.

For many years I have said Photography was my main love, though as it turns out, what I really love is Communication.

Written by David Johnson
7 January 2015


“Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together.”   
– Thomas Carlyle

We all seem to live such busy lives. Home, family, friends, work, study, business, interests, clubs all take up our time and hopefully are contributing in a positive fashion to our lives. In all this frantic engagement however, we need to consciously take time out to think about our lives and what we are doing, or simply just relax our mental state.

My quiet time takes on different forms, such as:

  • Using my imagination to drift off into other places/other times
  • a cup of Tea on a Saturday or Sunday morning in a relaxing place
  • letting myself be absorbed in the moment as I Oil paint
  • finding a quiet spot throughout the day even for as little as 5 minutes to clear the head
  • going for a walk
  • sitting quietly
Without that quiet-time things would certainly be a lot tougher and I know a lot of people who are far busier than I as they have children to take care of as well, plus they are doing committee roles.

What I need to do better is to do it on a more regular basis as sometimes I get so busy I forget to do what I just mentioned… That is what came to my mind in my ‘quiet-time’ this morning and I have now set up reminders so I do take the time for ‘silence’ on a more regular basis.

As Lao Tzu said, “Silence is a source of great strength.”

Let silence strengthen your life!


Written by David Johnson
9 November 2014

The Pendulum Swings…

The title sounds like a good title for a poem. Perhaps one day I will use it as that.

For today however, it refers to two interests I have, one is Photography, the other Toastmasters.

Photography started as an interest for me in the early 1980’s and the obsession continues to this day. Toastmasters, I joined in 2008 and it has given me so much (and continues to do so), including the confidence to open up my photography business, a general confidence and being able to relate to people a lot better.

For the past 6 years the pendulum has swung heavily toward Toastmasters, especially in the 4 years I was on the Executive, culminating in being President this past year. The past two years have been quite intense as the Vice-President Education role and President carry the most responsibility (i.e. the top two positions). I also did the Youth Leadership Co-ordinator role last year.

Come 1 July 2014 I will be ‘Immediate Past President’ and am not looking to take on any Committee roles in any organisation for the next few years, having been on committees for most of the past 26 years. A break is overdue…

My photography business carries on regardless of what I do, however personal photographic projects had given way to Toastmasters in the past 6 years. I will always photograph just like I always will be a Toastmaster. Toastmasters however will slide into the background a bit more and become another tool I utilise and practice at in my goal to become a better communicator and along the way I can help others too.

Over recent months I’ve been getting more and more ideas for photographic/Art projects and attending the recent Head On South Photographic Festival has spurred me on even more!

I can feel the Pendulum starting to swing back already.

Written by David Johnson
1 June 2014

A Maine Mama's Mind

A few opinions, a little research, and maybe some general chatter!

Anita's Perspectives on Life

Sharing is Learning

Lisa Maisonave Art

A blog made up of books, movies, shows, photography, and art.

Jane Sketching

Urban sketches, etchings, watercolours, pen and ink.

Just Sketching

A Daily Visual Journal

Bachir Bastien

Practical advice for a happier, fuller, and more meaningful life

craft journey

Furnicraft, woodwork, and art

K E Garland


Your Friendly Malaysian Writer

Malaysian author and storyteller

Lost In Amberland

Welcome to my mind. Watch the first step, it's a doozy.

Learning with Life

A learner for life….wants to live fully….destination matter so does the journey…every movement to feel alive…and die with peace in eyes…being me…

Keep it alive

A look at life, achieving good physical and mental health and happiness

Moonwashed Musings

we see the same moon; you and I

Sketch Away: Travels with my sketchbook

Just another site

Her Writing Haven

A place where words come alive